Captain Rafe - WWII United States Army Air Forces Pilot

Captain Rafe - WWII United States Army Air Forces Pilot - in 1:6 scale
The product is for historic education purposes only and is not intended to glorify, nor exploit the horrors and atrocities of war.
Text from DiD:
Super realistic headsculpt
WWII US Army Officers Service Cap / Garrison Cap
WWII Government Issue A-2 Jacket
WWII USAAF pilot A4 Flying suit
WWII USAAF pilot B3 Life Jacket
WWII USAAF AN6510 Parachute
WWII USAAF A-8B oxygen mask
Headset and Throat Microphone
M1911 pistol & holster (genuine leather)
A80167 part list
1 Super realistic headsculpt
2 All New - DID 1:6 HG Body (Slim Tall Ver.)
3 Left palm x 3 + right palm x 3
4 WWII US Army Garrison Cap
5 WWII USAAF B-6 Helmet
6 WWII US Army Officers Service Cap
7 WWII USAAF pilot A4 Flying suit
8 WWII Government Issue A-2 Jacket
9 WWII US officer shirt
10 Trousers
11 Tie
12 Brown Gloves
13 M1936 Pistol Belt
14 Trousers belt
15 WWII US service shoes
16 B3 Life Jacket
17 WWII USAAF AN6510 Parachute
18 WWII USAAF A-8B oxygen mask
19 Headset and Throat Microphone
20 M1911 magazine pouch
21 Sunglasses
22 AN-6530 Goggles
23 Watch
24 Cigarette
25 M1911 pistol & holster (genuine leather)
26 WWII US Distinguished Flying Cross Medal
27 WWII USAAF Officer Collar insignia - U.S. Letters
28 WWII USAAF Officer Collar Insignia - Pilot Wings
29 WWII USAAF Pilot Wings
30 WWII USAAF Pinwheel Felt Patch
31 U.S. Army Silver Captain Rank Insignia x 2 pairs
32 U.S. Army 1st Lieutenant Rank Insignia x 2 pairs
33 U.S. Army 2nd Lieutenant Rank Insignia x 2 pairs
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